5.2. Routine Detail Specifications

Include files:

The following header file is required in any file containing these library routines.

#include "../extern/global_extern_w.h"

And for windows, the following is referenced from within:

#include "global_extern_w_dispatch.h"

Global Define:

The following should be defined in your writer code.



/*                                                                    */ 
/*   Gets the name of the writer, so gui can list as a writer         */ 
/*                                                                    */ 
/*  (OUT) writer_name          = the name of the writer (data format) */ 
/*                             (max length is Z_MAX_USERD_NAME, which */ 
/*                              is 20)                                */ 
/*                                                                    */ 
/*  (OUT) *two_fields          = FALSE if only one data field is      */ 
/*                                     required.                      */ 
/*                               TRUE if two data fields required     */ 
/*                                                                    */ 
/*  returns: Z_OK  if successful                                      */ 
/*           Z_ERR if not successful                                  */ 
/*                                                                    */ 
/*  Notes:                                                            */ 
/*  * Always called.  Provide a name for your custom writer format    */ 
/*                                                                    */ 
/*  * If you don't want a custom writer to show up in the data dialog */ 
/*    choices, return a name of "No Custom"                           */ 
USERD_writer_get_name(char writer_name[Z_MAX_USERD_NAME], 
                      int *two_fields) 


 *   Gets the release string for the writer. 
 *   This release string is a free-format string.   
 *   It is used for version control and backwards compatibility. 
 *   It is useful to increment 
 *   the release number/letter to indicate a change in the writer. 
 *   The given string will simply be output by the EnSight server 
 *   when the writer is selected. 
 *  (OUT) release_number       = the release number of the writer 
 *                             (max length is Z_MAX_USERD_NAME, which 
 *                              is 20) 
 *  returns: Z_OK  if successful 
 *           Z_ERR if not successful 
 *  Notes: 
 *    Called when the writer is selected for use. 
 *    called by USERD_writer routines  
USERD_writer_get_writer_version(char version_number[Z_MAX_USERD_NAME]) 


 *  Write user specified data for selected parts and active variables. 
 *  (IN) char full_fname[Z_MAXFILENP] = file name requested by the user from the GUI 
 *  (IN) int lis_parts[Z_MAXPART]     = list of parts selected by the user in EnSight 
 *  (IN) int num_parts                = number of selected parts 
 *  (IN) int do_binary                = TRUE  if writing binary file 
 *                                      FALSE if writing ascii file 
 *  (IN) float max_fsize_mb           = maximum file size value for this machine 
 *  (IN) int combined                 = TRUE if user requests single file output 
 *                                      FALSE if user allows multiple file output 
 *  (IN) float *timestep_vals         = array of time step values 
 *  (IN) int ntime_steps              = number of time steps 
 *  (IN) char text_input[UDW_STRSIZE] = string entered from GUI by user can be used to 
 *                                      input commands to modify writer behavior 
 *  (OUT) int *error_flag             = Return from writer 
 *                                         Z_ERR if a problem 
 *                                         Z_EN_ERR_NONE if no problem  
USERD_writer_write_geom(char full_fname[Z_MAXFILENP], 
                        int lis_parts[Z_MAXPART], 
                        int num_parts, 
                        int do_binary, 
                        float max_fsize_mb, 
                        int combined, 
                        float *timestep_vals, 
                        int ntime_steps,/ 
                        char text_input[ UDW_STRSIZE], 
                        int *error_flag)