Chapter 9: EnVe Module


EnVe refers to two entities. First EnVe refers to the enve extension module within EnSight which includes programming routines for manipulating images and movies. Second EnVe refers to an interactive application with a graphical User Interface that is built upon the image and movie manipulation extension module. The enve extension module will be discussed first, followed by the EnVe application.

The EnVe extension module can be imported into an EnSight python routine to make use of two main Python objects: the image and the movie objects to access low-level manipulation methods. These methods are discussed in detail in then next section. If you wish to use the low-level image and movie methods, the enve module can be imported into your EnSight python code with the following statement at the top:

import enve

Higher level manipulation routines that both provide high-level movie and image functionality as well as serve as enve tutorial routines, have been included with your EnSight install as an ens_utils module.

Note:  You cannot use the ens_utils module outside of EnSight. To use these routines, simply import the ens_utils module as follows:

import ens_utils as eu

These routines translate movies and images to another format, they concatenate movies or images into another movie of a chosen format, they difference images or movies and return the statistics on the differences and/or write out the difference as an image or movie, respectively. Example usage of these routines will be discussed in a bit more detail in the next section. The ens_utils module is located as follows:


The second major entity is the EnVe interactive application. It is built on the PyQt (Python interface to the Qt GUI library) module and the enve module. This application allows interactive loading and modification of images and movies and can be accessed by typing in the following at the command line:


Alternatively, double-clicking the EnVe 2024 R2 icon on your desktop will start up the application. Studying and using the enve modules as well as their usage in the ens_utils module will help you to understand the EnVe application's options and using the EnVe application will help you understand the EnVe modules.

EnVe Extension Module Programming

EnVe Python ens_utils module

The EnVe Movie object

The EnVe Image object

EnVe Application

Helper modules

Important:  The current codec for writing mp4 files does not properly read them. Therefore you can write mpeg4 files, including those using the H264 standard, but will often fail at reading them into EnVe and also into the enve module.