Advanced Usage

The reader of your solution data may have the option to automatically turn on filtering, set a delete flag variable as well as to choose the methodology and filter value to use when filtering elements. From the user perspective, this allows the data to be read in, and elements filtered (or 'failed') so that the initial view of the part(s) are exactly what is expected. This can also speed up the initial load time because elements will be filtered on the EnSight server, prior to communication to the client, and subsequent rendering on the client.

One example is that LS-Dyna d3plot data can automatically be read in with elements pre-filtered. Another, is that Ansys CFF Post overset analysis data is automatically read in with elements prefiltered. Some readers provide an option in the Format Options to turn on prefiltering, and some do it automatically.

You can see if element pre-filtering is turned on automatically (and what variable and criteria are used) for your data format, after your data is loaded, by simply double-clicking the Filter Elements icon and looking at the settings. In addition, you can now turn off the filtering if you want to visualize the filtered/failed elements.

Warning:  If all of your elements are filtered at the timestep that you initially load, then:

  1. Your screen will be blank (there are no elements to display).

  2. EnSight may be unable to set up the initial graphics window visualization parameters, such as zoom, look at and look from. In this situation, when you change to another timestep that now has some elements that are not filtered, your screen may remain blank because your view is not properly initialized. To see your geometry, you must do a Fit  .