Other Notes

Vector arrows can be animated by animating the parent part (for example, a clip plane) over space or time using flipbook or keyframe animation. See Create a Flipbook Animation or Create a Keyframe Animation for more information.

If vector arrows are created on a clip through an unstructured mesh, the resulting arrows can be difficult to visualize if the resolution of the underlying mesh varies substantially or is highly irregular. One solution is to create the vector arrows on a grid clip rather than the default mesh clip. See Create Clip Planes for more information.

Unlike most part creation operators, vector arrows are created from the client's representation of the part not the server's. For example, if you have a clip plane that is displayed using a feature-angle or border representation, only those elements comprising the reduced display will yield vector arrows, even though all elements of the clip plane reside on the server. See Change the Visual Representation for more information.

Vector arrows with a tangential projection can sometimes by occluded by the surface on which the arrows are defined. To solve this problem, use the Display Offset field to add a small displacement to move the arrows away from the surface in the direction of the surface normal. This is most useful for presentation (for example, hardcopy or animation) output.