
EnSight provides a powerful set of clipping operators. See the following articles for more information:

Create Clip Lines

Clip lines are linear clips through 2D or 3D models (using the Line Tool) with samples taken at evenly spaced intervals (grid), or at intersections of element boundaries of the parent parts (mesh). Clip line values can be visualized using profiles or queried and sent to a plotter.

You can also create a structured clip that will create new nodes and elements even if there is no domain in the specified area.

Create Clip Planes

A clipping plane is a planar slice through a 3D mesh using the Plane Tool. EnSight's clipping operation can take arbitrary cuts through either structured or unstructured meshes. The clip can be infinite in extent (at least to the bounds of the parts it is created from) or restricted to the bounds of the Plane tool. The nodes of the resulting clipping plane can be based on the topology and resolution of the underlying mesh or sampled on a regular grid.

You can also create a clip that contains all the elements that intersect the plane value via the crinkly domain specification. These clips help view the integrity of the mesh at these values.

Create Box Clips

A Box clip is a 3D volumetric hexahedral-shaped clip or cut. This clip uses the box tool (which can be manipulated anywhere in space), and the result can be the surface intersection of the box tool walls and the model, the volume portion of the model inside the tool, the volume portion of the model outside the tool, or the crinkly surface elements of the intersection. Be aware that due to the algorithm used, this clip can (and most often does) have chamfered edges, the size of which depends on the coarseness of the model elements.

Create Quadric Clips

In addition to standard clipping planes, EnSight also provides clipping against quadric shapes. These clips use the corresponding quadric tool (Cylinder, Sphere, Cone, Surface of Revolution) to specify the location of the clip.

You can also create a clip that contains all the elements that intersect the quadric value via the crinkly domain specification. These clips help view the integrity of the mesh at these values.

Create IJK Clips

An IJK clip is a 1D or 2D slice through a structured mesh. The resulting clip is a 1D line or 2D surface where one dimension (for example, I) is held fixed while the other one or two dimensions (for example, J and K) vary. The minimum and maximum range of the free dimensions can be set by the user, as well as the step size. IJK clips can be interactively animated throughout the range of the fixed dimension by manipulating a slider.

Although planar clips can still be created through structured meshes, it is often preferable to create IJK clips since they are faster to calculate and use less memory. In addition, IJK clips are often more intuitive for the user (who typically built the mesh).

Create XYZ Clips

An XYZ clip is a 1D or 2D slice through a 2D or 3D mesh (structured or unstructured). The resulting clip is a 1D or 2D mesh slice where one of the dimensions (for example, X) is held constant (or fixed) while the other two dimensions (for example, Y and Z) vary in reference to the local frame of the mesh. XYZ clips can be interactively animated throughout the range of the fixed dimension by manipulating a slider. The minimum, maximum, and step size of the range of the fixed dimension can be set by the user.

Although plane clips can still be created through meshes, it is often preferable to create XYZ clips since they are constrained to the local frame of the meshed part. To quickly create an XYZ clip, simply right-click on a part and choose Clip and then choose the direction.

Create RTZ Clips

An RTZ clip is a 1D or 2D slice through 2D or 3D meshes (structured or unstructured). The resulting clip is a 1D or 2D mesh slice where one of the dimensions (for example, R, "radial component") is held constant (or fixed) while the other one or two dimensions (for example, T, "theta component" and Z, "z axis component") vary in reference to the local frame of the mesh. RTZ clips can be interactively animated throughout the range of the fixed dimension by manipulating a slider. The minimum, maximum, and step size of the range of the interactive fixed dimension can be set by the user. To quickly create an RTZ clip, simply right-click a part and choose Clip and then choose the direction.

Create Revolution Tool Clips

A Revolution Tool clip can be made using the surface of revolution tool. It can be the surface created by the intersection of the surface of revolution tool and the model, the elements intersected by the surface of revolution tool (crinkly), or the volume of the inside and/or the outside domain swept by the revolution tool. This clip cannot be interactively manipulated.

Create Revolution of 1D Part Clips

A Revolution of 1D Part clip can be made using a 1D part and a user specified axis. It can be the surface created by the intersection of the 1D part about the axis and the model, the elements intersected by the 1D part about the axis(crinkly), or the volume of the inside and/or the outside domain swept by the 1D part about the axis. This clip is always infinite. This clip does not have interactive manipulation capability, with a slider or by dragging the tool with the mouse. However, if the 1D part is capable of being moved, you can move it and the revolution clip will update.

Create Clip Splines

Spline clips will sample a defined spline on evenly spaced intervals along the spline. Values along a spline clip can be visualized using profiles or queried and sent to a plotter, or used in subsequent computations such as computations of a line integral.

Create General Quadric Clips

A general quadric clip AX 2+BY 2+CZ 2+DXY+EYZ+FXZ+GX+HY+IZ=J can be created. This is only available from the Clip Feature Panel.