Basic Operation

By default, FileOpen... opens with the directory from which the EnSight client was started as the current directory.

The following shows the basic components of the File Open dialog:

  • The Look in pulldown displays the current directory.

    Note:  The parent of the current directory is shown ending with “..” (standard UNIX nomenclature).

    To change to a directory, double-click it.

  • Standard up, and listing icons can be used.

  • The File type pulldown controls the listing of files in the Files list. You can filter what is shown based on the selection here.

  • The Files list displays the list of subdirectories and files contained in the current directory (possibly modified by the wildcard in the File type filter field).

    To make a file the current Selection, click it.

    To accept a file and close the dialog, double-click it.

  • The File field contains the full path name of the file currently selected in the Files list. This is the file that will be chosen if OK is clicked.

    Change the selection either by clicking a file in the Files list or editing the field directly.

    Pressing Return will accept the Selection and close the dialog.

  • Click to accept the current Selection and close the dialog.

  • Click to cancel the selection and close the dialog.