Basic Usage

List sorted by Category:

NameLocation - CategoryDescription
CEI_FONT_GLYPHCACHESIZE Client - Font Number of font characters to keep in memory at a given time (default 500). Increasing this number will use more memory but may increase rendering speed if many different characters are in use.
CEI_FONT_NOSYSTEMFONTS Client - Font Disable the loading of fonts from the system directories, and use only the fonts provided by Ansys.
CEI_FONTPATH Client - Font A list of ":" separated directories (";" on Windows) where EnSight looks for .ttf and .ttc font files.
ENSIGHT_FONT_DEFAULT_ANNOT Client - Font Specify family to be used for annotation defaults
ENSIGHT_FONT_DEFAULT_ANNOT_STYLE Client - Font Specify style to be used for annotation defaults
ENSIGHT_FONT_DEFAULT_OUTLINE Client - Font Specify family to be used for ID and axis defaults
ENSIGHT_FONT_DEFAULT_OUTLINE_SCALE Client - Font Specify the relative scale for the outline font. (The value 100.0 is the default, 200.0 is 2x larger, 50.0 is 1/2 size).
ENSIGHT_FONT_DEFAULT_OUTLINE_STYLE Client - Font Specify style to be used for ID and axis defaults
ENSIGHT_FONT_DEFAULT_SYMBOL Client - Font Specify family to be used instead of the symbol font
ENSIGHT_FONT_DEFAULT_SYMBOL_STYLE Client - Font Specify style to be used with the symbol font
ENSIGHT10_FIXED_FONT_SIZE Client - Font Defines font size - expecting range between 10 and 100 (old)
CEI_ENABLE_PBUF Client - Graphics Enable/disable the use of pbuffers for off-screen rendering
CEI_ENABLE_PMAP Client - Graphics Enable/disable the use of pixmaps for off-screen rendering
CEI_PIXELFORMAT Client - Graphics Specify pixel format for mono rendering
CEI_PIXELFORMAT_ST Client - Graphics Specify pixel format for stereo rendering
CVF_NO_WM_OVERRIDE Client - Graphics Change the behavior of detached displays so that the 'OverrideRedirect' attribute is not used on the window.
ENSIGHT_PICK_SCALE Client - Graphics If > 1, modifies the scaling of the GL viewport
CEI_RSH Client/SoS - Networking Alternative to default ssh command
CVF_COMM2_NAGLE Client/Server - Networking Enable Nagle (RFC896) network feature (on by default).
ENSIGHT10_SOCKBUF Client/SoS/Server - Networking Sets socket buffer size (can be different between client and server)
DISPLAY Client - Other Do not remote the display from a different machine as this is inefficient and prone to problems. Run the client on your local machine and the server remotely and connect them as EnSight is optimized for this configuration.
ENSIGHT_ANSYS_VERSION Client - Other EnSight's default interaction and styling are now aligned with the Ansys standard, providing a consistent user experience across our products. If desired, you may reset EnSight back to the legacy experience by setting the environment variable ENSIGHT_ANSYS_VERSION to 0.
ENSIGHT10_MAX_CTHREADS Client - Parallel The maximum number of threads to use for each EnSight client. Threads in the client are used to accelerate sorting of transparent surfaces. If not defined, then the EnSight client chooses the number of threads based on the number of processors available and license limitations.
ENSIGHT10_MAX_SOSTHREADS SoS - Parallel The maximum number of threads to use on the server of server in order to start up server processes in parallel rather than serially. If not defined, then EnSight chooses the number of threads based on the number of processors available and license limitations.
ENSIGHT10_MAX_THREADS Server - Parallel The maximum number of threads to use for each EnSight server. Threads are used to accelerate the computation of streamlines, clips, isosurfaces, and other compute-intensive operations. If not defined, then the EnSight server chooses the number of threads based on the number of processors available and license limitations.
ENSIGHT10_RES Client/SoS/ Collab - Resources Specify a resource file name that the client reads
ENSIGHT10_SERVER_HOSTS Client/ SoS - Resources Specify quoted strings of space delimited host names (for example, "host1 host2 host1 host3") to be used for EnSight servers. The host names are used in the order they occur. A host name may occur multiple times
LSB_MCPU_HOSTS Client/ SoS Resources If either the '
' or '
' command line options are specified, then the client will evaluate this environment variable for resources. The environment variable specifies a quoted string such as "
host1 5 host2 4 host3 1
" which indicates 5 CPUs should be used on host1, 4 CPUs should be used on host2, and 1 CPU should be used on host3. The hosts will be used in a round-robin fashion.
CEI All - Path Location of EnSight installation (required)
CEI_PDFREADER Client - Path Application for reading EnSight .pdf help files
CEI_PYTHONHOME Client - Path Point to a different Python runtime library. Default is CEI/apex242/machines/CEI_ARCH/python271
CEI_UDILPATH Client - Path A list of ":" separated directories (";" on Windows) where EnSight looks for user-defined image libraries.
ENSIGHT_PATHREPLACE Client - Path Replaces the data path with the path found in this environment variable
PATH Client - Path Must include $CEI/bin
TMPDIR Server - Path Location for temporary files. Default is usually /tmp or /usr/tmp
CEI_INPUT Client - Tracking To specify the tracking library. To select trackd, use: setenv CEI_INPUT trackd (for csh or equivalent users) The value of CEI_INPUT can either be a fully-qualified path and filename or simply the name of the driver, in which case EnSight will load the library from directory: $CEI/apex242/machines/$CEI_ARCH/udi/$CEI_INPUT/ For the trackd interface you will also need to set: CEI_TRACKER_KEY <num> CEI_CONTROLLER_KEY <num>
CEI_TRACKD_DEBUG Client - Tracking Turn on debug information from the trackD user defined input library.
ENSIGHT10_INPUT Client - Tracking Input device to use for EnSight (same as CEI_INPUT)
ENSIGHT10_READER Server - User (legacy) Path to the location of additional user-defined readers
ENSIGHT20_READER Server - User Path to the location of additional user-defined readers (takes precedence over legacy ENSIGHT10_READER)
ENSIGHT10_UDMF Server - User Sets directory location of user defined math functions to be loaded by EnSight at startup
ENSIGHT10_UDW Server - User Sets directory location of user defined writers to be loaded by EnSight at startup
UNSTRUCT_AUTODISTRIBUTE_USE_GHOSTS Server - Auto-distribute Sets unstructured server autodistribution to use ghost processing. (Same effect as, and takes precedence over, using -use_ghosts command line argument)
UNSTRUCT_AUTODISTRIBUTE_USE_METRIC Server - Auto-distribute Sets unstructured server autodistribution to calculate the ghost metric. (Same effect as, and takes precedence over, using -use_metric command line argument)
ENSIGHT_FORCE_POLYHEDRAL_CLIPCUT n Server - Part Creation EnSight can clip or cut with the traditional algorithm that tesselates the element faces with additional face elements or the polyhedral algorithm that shows the clipped/cut faces with the exact representation of the element face. If you always want to see a clip or cut face without additional tesselation, then use option 2. n = 0, 3D Zoo elements clipped or cut with traditional algorithm. n=1, Treat 3D Zoo elements as polyhedral only if there are polyhedral elements in the part when it is clipped or cut. n=2, Treat 3D Zoo elements as polyhedra.
SLIMD8_SERVERS Client (or Server when using server-side licensing) - License Specifies the location of the legacy SLiM license server hostname(s) and port. setenv SLIMD8_SERVERS "huey:7790" setenv SLIMD8_SERVERS "huey:7790; dewey:8890"
ANSYSLMD_LICENSE_FILE Client - License Sets the location of the Ansys license server and port. On Windows, this should be set for you during installation. On Linux, you may have to set this manually. setenv ANSYSLMD_LICENSE_FILE
ENSIGHT10_LM Client - License Forces EnSight to use a specific license manager. Normally (environment variable unset), EnSight attempts to automatically detect whether to contact an Ansys license manager or a legacy SLiM license manager. Setting the environment variable to "Ansys" forces use of the Ansys license manager. Setting the environment variable to "SLiM" forces use of the legacy SLiM license manager. (Case does not matter when setting the value of this environment variable.) setenv ENSIGHT10_LM ansys setenv ENSIGHT10_LM slim
ENSIGHT10_LM_BULK Client - License If this environment variable is set to the value 0, then bulk checkouts are disabled in EnSight and serial checkouts are used instead. The default (variable unset) is to allow bulk checkouts. The Ansys license manager is the only license manager that currently supports bulk checkouts. If the environment variable is set to a value other than 0, it counts as if it were not set. setenv ENSIGHT10_LM_BULK 0