
This release of the EnSight Launcher adds support for the SGE scheduler and beta support for the Slurm scheduler. A later release will add support for LSF, and PBSPro. Toggling on Use Job Scheduler activates the Scheduler tab. Then, select the Scheduler type you wish to use.

SGE Options

On the SGE Options tab you can either specify your own SGE shell script to start the EnSight Servers or you can let EnSight Launcher create one for you. It's recommended that you let EnSight Launcher create one for you, and to modify that script should you wish to supply your own customizations. Toggling Use SGE settings chooses between having EnSight Launcher create the script or letting you specify a script.

If you choose to have EnSight Launcher create the script, the toggle is off. Click the button Query SGE qmaster. This will cause EnSight Launcher to run 'qconf' on the computer specified by Server Machine Name to determine the queue names (SGE queue) and parallel environment names (SGE pe). Select the desired SGE queue and SGE pe. If the pull-down menus do not populate with the available names, make sure you can ssh to the Server Machine Name and run qconf.

Note:  If you select your own SGE settings shell script, it must exist on the computer running EnSight Launcher.

When you click Run after toggling on Use Job Scheduler, EnSight launcher will create a job submission shell script, unless you specified one, and then copy that script to the computer specified by Server Machine Name. It will then submit that script to the queuing system on the remote computer after starting the EnSight Client on the computer running EnSight Launcher. The EnSight Client will wait indefinitely for a connection from the EnSight Servers running on the scheduler allocated nodes.

The EnSight Server running on the first allocated node will connect to the EnSight Client. Be sure that the allocated nodes can open a TCP connection to the Client computer on the port number used by the Client and Server (defaults to 1106).

Port Randomization is not allowed if you specify a SGE settings script.

Using a Job Scheduler forces use of MPI. EnSight Resource files are not supported with Schedulers.

Scheduling scripts are currently created in the user's home directory. They are not automatically deleted at this time.

The EnSight Launcher Terminate button does not delete the scheduler job. However, when the EnSight Client is terminated, the EnSight Servers should also terminate thus allowing the scheduler job to terminate.

At this time EnSight's Case Add/Replace/Delete feature does not work with Schedulers. A future release will add this support.

Slurm Options

On the Slurm Options tab you can either specify your own Slurm shell script to start the EnSight Servers or you can let EnSight Launcher create one for you. It's recommended that you let EnSight Launcher create one for you, and to modify that script should you wish to supply your own customizations. Toggling Use Slurm settings chooses between having EnSight Launcher create the script or letting you specify a script.

If you choose to have EnSight Launcher create the script, the toggle is off. Click the button Query Slurm partitions. This will cause EnSight Launcher to run 'scontrol -o show partition' on the computer specified by Server Machine Name to determine the partition names (Select partition) and the maximum number of cores available for the selected partition. Select the desired Slurm partition. If the pull-down menu does not populate with the available names, make sure you can ssh to the Server Machine Name and run scontrol -o show partition. Make sure the Number of Servers is less than or equal to the Maximum cores in partition.