Basic Usage

ensight [options]


ensight_client [options]

Section 1. EnSight Startup/Client-Server Options

-ar <f>

Restore from specified archive file "f"

-c [<host>[:<exe>]]

Do an auto connection, with optional "host" machine and executable. If only -c is used, the auto connection will be according to the values set in your ensight_conn_settings file (which is created in your EnSight Defaults directory (located at %HOMEDRIVE%%HOMEPATH%\(username)\.ensight242 commonly located at C:\Users\username\ on Win10, C:\Documents and Settings\yourusername\ on older Windows, ~/.ensight242 on Linux, and in ~/Library/Application Support/EnSight242 on the Mac) if you connect via the Connect dialog). EnSight server will run on host if you include it after the -c. And you can also optionally specify the server executable to run on said host.

-case <f>

Read EnSight casefile name "f" and display part loader

-enshell [URL]

Start up EnSight and connect with URL, default URL is as follows: - connect://localhost?port=1109&timeout=60


Can be given on the command line to force EnSight to utilize only the cfd_preppost increment for license check out. This will bypass the default priority of looking to occupy ensight or ensight_enterprise license increments first instead of cfd_preppost. The use of the -cfd_preppost command line option will force EnSight to only look for cfd_preppost increments. If none are found, then EnSight will stop.


Connect auto and ignore errors


Send client's IP address to the server for auto connect. The IP address will be used instead of the internet hostname. This can be useful for clients which use dynamic IP address assignment (i.e. dhcp). (However, it may not send the correct address if the client computer has multiple network interfaces (for example, WiFi and wired ethernet).)


Do a manual connection of server

-ctx <f>

Applies context file "f" as soon as connection is made


Force the license manager to look for a custom token

-cwd <p>

Sets the client working directory to the path specified by 'p'

-d #

-display #

With multiple displays, enter a number and EnSight will start up on that display. ensight -d :0.1 will start up on display 1


Graphics window is not updated during command file playback, until finished

ensight -vnc [vnc_option_string]

To start EnSight/EnVision with an embedded VNC server which will start a VNC server on port 5900 with the password "veronica"., use a command line such as:

ensight -vnc "vnc://?primary_password=veronica"

The general form of the options string follows URI conventions:

vnc://?option1=val1&option2=val2&option3=val3 ...

Options can also be passed by setting the CEI_VNC_OPTIONS environmental variable to the option string.

Current options:

  • rfb_port=<port> This is the main port the VNC server is to listen for clients connecting on. If a range of ports is specified (e.g. "7000-8000"), the server will be opened on the first available port in that range of ports. Defaults to 5900.

  • use_auth=<0 or 1> Require a password to connect. By default a password is required (1), but no default password is set. VNC server will attempt to match the password from the client to the primary password first, and to the read only password as a fallback.

  • primary_password=<plaintext password, max 8 characters> If a session logs in using the primary password, the VNC client will receive images and send mouse/keyboard events. Setting a password also implicitly sets use_auth=1. The password match is done against the first 8 characters.

  • readonly_password=<plaintext password, max 8 characters> If a session logs in using the readonly password, the VNC client will receive images, but will not send mouse/keyboard events

  • exit_on_last_disconnect=<0 or 1> When the last VNC client disconnects, shut down the EnSight/EnVision. Defaults to 0.

  • timeout=<num seconds to wait for port to be free> If the port or range of ports given in rfb_port is not free, wait this many seconds for a port to be free, or exit with an error. Default: try once, exit if not free. -1 means wait indefinitely.

Important:  The options string may pose problems with various command line shells due to its use of characters that cause issues with command line interpretation (e.g. '&'). It is legal to use URI escape codes within the options string to avoid these issues. Within the string the sequence %XY will be replaced by a single character with the hexadecimal ascii code of $XY. the '%' is therefore encoded as '%25'. This can be used to embed spaces (%20) and other characters to entirely eliminate the need to quote this string on the command line. One special case exists, placing a field transition character (e.g. '&') inside of an option/value or interpreting as the transition character. If the character should be part of a field, use %26 if it is the separator between fields, use %%26. Therefore, an option string that picks a port and a password with an '&' in the password might look like this:


for a password of my&password.


Extended CFD variables automatically placed in variable list


Specify the port on which to receive external commands. See -externalcmds.


Has EnSight start listening for a connection on port 1104 (or the port specified with the -externalcmdport) for an external command stream. Once connected, all commands must then come from the external source - as the commands will be ignored.


Force the license manager to look for an EnSight Enterprise capability (formerly gold or HPC).


Deprecated; use -enterprise. Force the license manager to look for an EnSight Enterprise capability (formerly gold).

-hpc, -HPC

Deprecated; use -enterprise. Force the license manager to look for an EnSight Enterprise capability (formerly gold or hpc).


(Windows only) hides console on startup


(Windows only) Sets the client working directory to HOME

-localhostname <host>

Host name to force server(s) to use to connect to client


Graphics window is updated during command file playback, until finished

-p <f>

Plays playfile "f" as soon as connection is made


If a file is specified on the command line, this command will bring up the part loader to allow for part selection. If a file is specified on the command line without this command, all parts will be loaded.

-ports #

Allows user specification of socket communication port. (passed on to server or sos)

-prdist #

Specify a parallel rendering config file.

-pyargv . . . [-endpyargv]

Anything on the command line between these two options will appear as 'sys.argv' in Python. sys.argv[0] = "ensight" except if a python startup file is specified via -qtguipy, in which case, that filename becomes sys.argv[0].

Note:  -pyargv will swallow arguments up to the end of the argument list or -endpyargv, whichever comes first.

-rsh <cmd>

Remote shell program to use for automatic connection. (passed on to server or sos)

-security [#]

Forces a handshake between the client and server using the # provided or a random number


Tells EnSight to look for the SLiM license key on the server. This works with the legacy SLiM license manager only. Server-side licensing is not enabled for the Ansys license manager.


Set up to connect to the Server-of-Servers (ensight.sos) instead of normal server.

-soshostname <host>

Host name to force server(s) to use to connect to Server-of-Servers


Force the license manager to look for a standard token

-timeout <#>

Number of seconds to wait for server connection; default = 60, infinite = -1

-token_try_again <#>

Applies only to the legacy SLiM license manager. If EnSight can't obtain a SLiM license token, try again in # minutes. where # is a float value. If neither -token_wait_for nor -token_wait_until is specified, will try for 1 hour.

-token_wait_for #

Applies only to the legacy SLiM license manager. If EnSight can't obtain a license token, try again for # minutes, where # is a float value. If -token_try_again is not specified, sets -token_try_again to 10. Supersedes -token_wait_until.

-token_wait_until #

Applies only to the legacy SLiM license manager. If EnSight can't obtain a license token, try again until the time is hour:minute. If -token_try_again is not specified, sets -token_try_again to 10.


EnSight will ask if certain usage and message data can be forwarded back to Ansys in order to enhance our support. This will force EnSight to always send user data regardless of the option that you choose. See the 2024 R2 Release Notes for more details.


EnSight will ask if certain usage and message data can be forwarded back to Ansys in order to enhance our support. This will force EnSight to never send user data regardless of the option that you choose. See the Global Release Notes for more details.

-v #

Output verbosity 0 to 9, none, normal, medium, high, debug, and full, respectively


Prints out EnSight's version number. (Does not start EnSight)

Section 2. EnSight Client Options


Call a method on a registered user-defined extension (see EnSight Extension Mechanism and Produce Customized Access to Tools & Features) using the name of the extension. There must be no space between the -E and the extension name and the option can be used repeatedly in the same command line (the order of execution matches the order on the command line). These calls are made just prior to playing command files or python files after EnSight starts up. By default, the method 'cmdLine()' is invoked, but options exist to specify the method as well as parameters to the method. The whole option may need to be enclosed in quotes if some of these latter features are used.

For example, suppose you have a registered extension named 'foo'. The following usages are permitted.

'-Efoo' will call foo.cmdLine().

'' will call, a specific object method.

'-Efoo=5.7' will call foo.cmdLine(5.7), the default method with a parameter.

',"hello")' will call, "hello"), a specific object method with multiple parameters.


Adds support for high resolution displays such as IBM Big Bertha (linux/unix) (see -mag)


Uses larger feature icons in EnSight (non-Windows only)


Sets window based on the screen size of 1024x768 (non-Windows only)


Uses smaller feature icons in EnSight (default)

Section 3. EnSight Server Specific Options

-buffer_size <#>

Set element buffer size for Unstructured Auto Distribute (passed from client down)


Print some debugging info for EnSight format geometries (passed from client to server)


Turns off maxsize checking (passed from client to server)


Don't produce ghosts in Unstructured Auto Distribute (passed from client down).


Produce ghosts in Unstructured Auto Distribute (passed from client down). This action can also be turned on by setting the environment variable:



Don't print metric for Unstructured Auto Distribute (passed from client down).


Print metric for Unstructured Auto Distribute (passed from client down). This action can also be turned on by setting the environment variable:



Prints user-defined-reader library loading information in shell window upon startup of server (passed from client to server)

-scaleg <#>

Provide scale factor to scale geometry by (passed from client to server)

-scalev <#>

Provide scale factor to scale all vectors by (passed from client to server)

-swd <dir>

Set the server working directory


Prints out timing information (passed from client to server)


Prints user-defined-writer library loading information in shell window upon startup of server (passed from client to server)

Section 4. Miscellaneous Options

-h, -help, -Z

Prints the usage list


Prints user-defined input device information


No automatic backup recording


Turns off file locking (lock()). Some systems don't support this properly


This is a debugging command that turns off all (system as well as user) preferences to their original defaults (except for mouse button settings). This command can result in unexpected systemic changes to EnSight's appearance or behavior and is not supported for general usage.


Use palette ranges which are 10% in from the extremes


Causes all stdout and stderr messages to be thrown away


Applies only to the legacy SLiM license manager. Allow the slimd token to expire if idle.

-stderr <f>

Cause all stderr messages to be written to the file.

-stdout <f>

Causes all stdout messages to be written to the file.

Section 5. Rendering Options

-batch <width>< height>

Batch mode with optional width and height.


Render only bounding boxes in the window (useful for detached displays with -prsd2 option). (See Setup For Parallel Rendering)

-box_resolution <#>

Resolution of bounding boxes for part culling (max 9). Implies -no_display_list

-ctarget <#>

Set the number of chunks per server for parallel rendering (passed from client to server(s)).


Specify a display configuration file


Use OpenGL display lists


Use embedded OpenGL which directly calls the graphics card and no longer needs access to an X-server, nor uses the DISPLAY environmental variable. This option is only available on Linux using NVIDIA cards with driver 3.58.16 or later when using batch or when using parallel compositing.


Use frustum culling where possible


Prints current OpenGL configuration parameter defaults to screen


Forces use of software implementation of OpenGL, bypassing the hardware graphics card (same as -X)


Sets line drawing mode to draw polygons


Sets line drawing mode to draw lines


Force EnSight to use immediate mode graphics


Do not use frustum culling


Use one normal per vertex for flat-shading


Use one normal per polygon for flat-shading


Turns MultiSampling on


Use software MultiSampling


Do not use MultiSampling


Ignore the start screen image (Good for HP using TGS OpenGL)

-num_samples <#>

Specify number of samples for software multi-sampling

-num_samples_st <#>

Specify number of samples for hardware stereo multi-sampling


Use the HP occlusion extension if available


Do not use the HP occlusion extension


Use the OpenGL stencil buffer (even if not enabled by default)


Assumes there is not a working stencil buffer (some Windows video cards)


Use double-buffering for the graphics window (default)


Do not use double-buffering


Sets the default parallel rendering sorting method to be the sort first method


Sets the default parallel rendering sorting method to be the sort last method


Don't map the detached display on startup

-vcount <#>

Specifies the maximum number of vertices between begin/end pairs in a OpenGL display list object. This option is useful for certain graphics cards (most modern Nvidia based) when dealing with large display objects - it will usually impact the performance of creating the display list objects. Every graphics card/driver will be optimal at a different vcount value so testing is necessary to achieve maximum performance.


Starts the X version of EnSight (uses Mesa OpenGL instead of native OpenGL, bypassing the hardware graphics card. This is the same as -glsw)

Section 6. Resource Options

-chres <f>

Collab hub resource filename

-res <f>

Resource filename

Section 7. Distributed Rendering (Enterprise, formerly HPC/gold, & DR) Specific Options


Batch offscreen rendering


Batch onscreen rendering


Compositing mode

Client Examples

ensight -cm -p myplayfile

This will allow you to do a manual connection, after which the myplayfile will be run.

This will do an automatic connection (according to information in the user's ensight.connect.default file) on port 1310, using an Enterprise license. After the connection is made, the casefile will be run.

ensight -rsh ssh (or ensight_client -c -rsh ssh )

This will use ssh as the remote shell for an automatic connection.

ensight_server [options]

-buffer_size <#>

Set element buffer size for Unstructured Auto Distribute

-c <host>

"host" indicates where the client is running

-ctarget <#>

Set the number of chunks per server for parallel rendering.

-ctries <#>

The number of times (1 second per try) to try to connect client and server.

-ether <dev>

Ethernet device name such as ln0


Print some debugging info for EnSight format geometries

-h, -help

Prints the usage list


Turns off maxsize checking


Don't produce ghosts in Unstructured Auto Distribute


Don't print metric for Unstructured Auto Distribute


Forces the server to use a named pipe connection (must be on same machine)

-ports <#>

Allows user specification of socket communication port.


Prints user-defined-reader lib loading information in shell window upon startup of server

-scaleg <#>

Provide scale factor to scale geometry by

-scalev <#>

Provide scale factor to scale all vectors by

-security <#>

Provide number for client to server security check or else random token is generated


Forces the server to use a socket connection

-soshostname <host>

Allows different name for servers to connect back to Server-of-Servers with


Prints out timing information


Prints user-defined-reader lib loading information in shell window upon startup of server

Server Examples (When Started Manually)

ensight_server -c clientmachine -readerdbg

Specifies clientmachine as the machine on which the client is running, and that information on user-defined reader library loading should be printed out.

ensight_server -ports 1310 -scaleg 3.7 -scalev 3.7

Specifies that communication is to occur on port 1310 and that the geometry and all vectors are to be scaled by a factor of 3.7.

ensight.sos [options]

-buffer_size <#>

Set element buffer size for Unstructured Auto Distribute (passes on to servers)

-c <host>

"host" indicates where the client is running


Allows specification of socket communication port to the client.

See also -ports, -sports.

-ctarget <#>

Set the number of chunks per server for parallel rendering (passes on to servers).

-ctries <#>

The number of times (1 second per try) to try to connect client and server.


Ethernet device name such as ln0


Print some debugging info for EnSight format geometries (passes on to servers)

-h, -help

Prints the usage list


Turns off maxsize checking (passes on to servers)


Don't produce ghosts in Unstructured Auto Distribute (passes on to servers)


Don't print metric for Unstructured Auto Distribute (passes on to servers)


Forces the server to use a named pipe connection (must be on same machine) (passes on to servers)

-ports <#>

Allows user specification of socket communication port. (passes on to servers)

Has the effect of setting -cports and -sports to be the same.


Prints user-defined-reader library loading information in shell window upon startup of server (passes on to servers)

-rsh <cmd>

Remote shell program to use for automatic connection of servers. (passes on to servers)

-scaleg <#>

Provide scale factor to scale geometry by (passes on to servers)

-scalev <#>

Provide scale factor to scale all vectors by (passes on to server)

-security <#>

Provide number for client to server security check (passes on to servers)

-slog <f>

Create SOS log file 'f'


Forces the server to use a socket connection

-soshostname <host>

Allows different name for servers to connect back to Server-of-Servers with (passes on to servers)


Allows specification of socket communication port to the servers.

See also -ports, -cports.


Prints out timing information (passes on to servers)


Prints user-defined-reader library loading information in shell window upon startup of server (passes on to servers)

Sos (Server-Of-Servers) Examples (When Started Manually)

ensight.sos -c clientmachinename -soshostname sosmachinename

Specifies clientmachinename as the machine on which the client is running, and that the individual servers should connect back to sosmachinename.

ensight.sos -readerdbg -gdbg

Specifies that the sos and any servers print out user-defined-reader library loading information and that the servers print out EnSight data format geometry loading information.