1.1. Overview

A number of items have been marked as Beta for this release. This means that the features have not yet been fully tested, documented, or have their intended functionality. However, they are features which you can expect in their fully-released form in upcoming versions of EnSight. These include:

  • Turbo Surfaces

    The creation of clips based on turbomachinery-based topology (e.g spanwise, meridional, streamwise clips).

  • Parallel Animation

    Utilization of multiple sub-EnSight processes to process solution time or keyframe animations in parallel. With integration and startup of these processes through ensight_launcher.

  • Preset Lights

    Several preset light setups have been added to the Light Source Editor. The presets define a set of lights and place them in the scene together with locations, directions, and intensities. Especially useful if creating ray traced images.

  • Ansys Mechanical Reader

    New reader for Ansys Mechanical results based on new shared library developed in cooperation with the Ansys Mechanical group.