1.4. Troubleshooting

This chapter lists problems and error messages that you may encounter while setting up licensing. After each situation description or error message is the user action required to correct the problem.

1.4.1. Understanding Error Codes

Incorrect CLSID

Cause: The CLS not defined or unknown to/accessible from LaaS

Error displayed: Cloud License Server with id <LaasSessionClsId> is not known to the Ansys Licensing as a Service application, please verify that the id was entered correctly. If it has please contact our administrator to verify you have the correct id.

Incorrect PIN

Cause: The CLS PIN not defined or unknown to/accessible from LaaS

Error displayed: Invalid PIN passed for Cloud License Server <LaasSessionClsId>, unable to complete requested action.

PIN not yet configured

Cause: The PIN not available for the CLS.

Error displayed: No PIN has been assigned for Cloud License Server <LaasSessionClsId>, please have your administrator log into the Ansys Elastic Licensing Portal to assign a PIN.

Client machine is not on the CLS White List

Cause: Your client machine is not in the white list for the CLS.

Error displayed: Your external IP has not been included on the white list for Cloud License Server <LaasSessionClsId>, please contact your administrator to add your external IP to the white list.

Session is in Deleted Status

Error displayed: Session id <LaasSessionId> has been deleted from LaaS, unable to complete checkout action for feature xyz.

1.4.2. Failover Feature Not Available

Elastic Licensing fails on Linux platforms with the following error message:

Error displayed:

Failover feature <Ansys Product Name> is not available. Curl Error (77) Problem with the SSL CA cert (path? access rights?) - error setting certificate verify locations:

CAfile: /etc/ssl/certs/ca-bundle.crt

CApath: /etc/ssl/certs/


Before setting any of the env variables below, ensure that the certificates are installed in your machine.

Example installing the certificates on the Ubuntu platform:

sudo apt-get install -y ca-certificates

Once the certificates are installed, set the following env varable on the system before running the application:

SuSE: ANSYSLS_CLIENT_CA_PATH=/etc/ssl/ca-bundle.pem

Ubuntu: ANSYSLS_CLIENT_CA_PATH=/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt

RedHat: ANSYSLS_CLIENT_CA_PATH=/etc/ssl/certs/ca-bundle.crt