Structural Linear and Non-Linear Modeling

By default, Discovery automatically determines the structural modeling method for you based on the physics inputs. If frictional or frictionless contacts are present in the model, Discovery automatically invokes a large strain solution. Otherwise, Discovery uses a small strain solution. You can explicitly set the modeling method by going to Simulation Options in the ribbon of the Simulation tab and modifying the Additional Structural Options. This option only affects solutions when in the Refine stage.

Select Specify modeling method to override the method set by Discovery. If you set the modeling method to Non-linear, it activates a large strain solution, which captures large strains, large deformations and rotations. If you set the method to Linear, it activates a small strain solution, and frictional and frictionless contacts are idealized as linear contacts.

Note: For a static structural analysis, a large strain solution includes large strain, large deflection, and large rotation. Stress stiffening effects are also captured by a large strain solution.

For a pre-stressed modal analysis, Discovery computes the static pre-stress condition based on a small strain solution and includes both stress stiffening and spin softening effects for the computation of the pre-stressed modes.