Clipping a Design Based on a Selection

To set the extent of the clip based on the current selection:
  1. Select Volume Clip from the Visibility group of the Display tab.
  2. Rotate and zoom in to your model to locate the model element or area you want to view.
  3. Select a Shape, then set the Method to Set from selection.
  4. Select the model element or area to clip based on the selected geometry and shape.
  5. Select Clip with volume at selection. The model is clipped at the current selection based on the specified shape.
  6. Hover over the area if you want to identify all of the various design elements.
Once you have created your clip, select Clear the clip area to re-display your design with no clipping. You can also change the size of your clip or move it using the Resize the clip area and Move the clip area tool guides on the left side of the HUD.