Adding Tools

  1. Click the Add button in the Extension Builder Toolbar to open the Properties Panel.
  2. Add Tab name, Group name, Button name, and Tool name, as well as icons and help text for these elements. Items denoted with an asterisk are required for this tool creation process. The recommended maximum size for icon images is 32 x 32 pixels.
  3. (Optional) If your extension requires user input, you can select the User input required option to add a tool, and specify selection filters such as Body, Face, and Edge, to enable users to select these elements while using the tool.
  4. (Optional) You also have the option to add a Complete button and can select Close tool on complete, which closes the tool automatically after you finish your task.
  5. (Optional) Additionally, you can set the initial state of elements to Visible, Hidden, or Disabled, and include scripts to change their states to enhance the functionality of your extension.