
Set the results options for the simulation.

This section contains the following topics:


Show fluid-flow results during Solve (in Refine) Select to display intermediate results while solving fluid cases. This option is ON by default. When the option is OFF, results are displayed only after the simulation finishes solving. Although you may see improved solution times on some machines, you lose the ability to see the solution develop.
Show modal stress results (re-solve required) Select to display modal stress results while solving structural cases. This option is OFF by default. If you turn this option on during a session, you will have to re-solve your simulation.
Color map Allows you to switch between color maps: standard Rainbow, Accessible Rainbow (Turbo), and Blue-Gray-Red (Cool Warm). Accessible Rainbow and Blue-Gray-Red address color blindness ambiguity.

Full Results

To control whether the full set of refine results get saved to the .dsco file when saving, you can include Refine results.

Saved Scene Results

Snapshots are images taken of each saved scene that can be used in the Web Viewer. The Saved Scene Results settings allow you to choose when to generate these images.

Generate snapshots
  • On save: Select to generate the images while saving.
  • On solve: Select to generate the images after a Refine solve.
Save snapshots to file
  • Exclude scenes older then # runs: Specify a value for the maximum number of runs for which you want to include scenes when saving a model. Scenes older than the specified run number (with a maximum upto 10) will not be included.
  • Include 3D scene snapshots: When enabled, 3D scene snapshots are included in the saved model.

Report Content

Specify the Report Content settings to define the default inclusion and exclusions of scenes in reports. You can override this setting in the Save As dialog when generating a report. This override is maintained until you exit the session or manually change the option back. New sessions default to this setting.

Default scene image resolution This option determines the default resolution of the images when exporting scenes using the Export 2d scene commands in the ribbon.
  • Choose Window size if you want images to be the same height/width of the Discovery window when the command was invoked.
  • Choose 4K (3840x2160) to generate an image 3840x2160 pixels in size.
Default scene inclusion, 2D Select the default option for the 2D scene images included in the report.
  • Choose All if you want scene images generated in both the Explore and Refine stages to be included in the report.
  • Choose Automatic to include images from any new scenes.
  • Choose None to exclude any scene images in the report.