Enclosure Tool Options

The Enclosure tool options panel has an Assign thin boundaries option, which will make any checked boundaries thin.

Assign thin boundaries Check to allow selection of individual boundary options.
-X boundary Check to assign -X as a thin boundary.
+X boundary Check to assign +X as a thin boundary.
-Y boundary Check to assign -Y as a thin boundary.
+Y boundary Check to assign +Y as a thin boundary.
-Z boundary Check to assign -Z as a thin boundary.
+Z boundary Check to assign +Z as a thin boundary.
Preserve original Check to keep original object shape along with new enclosure.

In the example below, the XYZ Direction gizmo illustrates the meaning of the boundary labels.

Read-only displays of the boundaries are included in the enclosure's Properties panel.

Enable Preserve original in Options to keep the original shape along with the new enclosure.