Navigating Through Shareable Topology

In addition to stepping through identified problem areas, the navigation tools that allow you to step through all topology identified as shareable.

  1. Click the Share tool . Sharing candidates are highlighted in red.

  2. Click the Next or Back buttons to view each identified sharing candidate. The individual sharing candidates are identified in darker red.

  3. (Optional) Select Zoom to Fit to zoom in and center on each sharing candidate when you click next or back.

  4. (Optional) Select Clip Volume to show only the volume centered on the sharing candidate, hiding other regions of the model. You can then use the Next and Back buttons to step through the candidates.

  5. Click the Complete tool to create shared topology at the selected candidate. Other candidates are not shared.

  6. Repeat these steps until all required shared topology is created.

Note: To cancel out of navigation mode, click the Select Problem tool guide. You may then create shared topology on all identified sharing candidates in one operation.

This is one of a few geometry repair and navigation tools included here for ease of access. Their behavior is the same as if accessed from the Repair ribbon.