Splitting Faces or Edges

Use Split to split faces and edges. To create an edge on a face:

  1. Click Design > Intersect > Split .

    The Select Target tool guide is enabled.

  2. Select the face you want to split.
  3. (Optional) Select a tool guide. Mouse over faces or edges in your design to preview the edge that will be created on the target. Dimensions are displayed along the U and V edge of the face.
    Tip: You can use the Tab key to cycle through the tool guide options, or with the pointer over the selected face, cycle through the dimensions.
  4. Click to select the face, plane, or edge you want to use to split the selected face. You can select multiple faces and use box select.

    You can hold Shift and hover over an edge while selecting the cutter points. The midpoint on the edge will be marked with a yellow ball in parentheses. The x and y dimensions will emanate from that point.

  5. The Select Results tool guide remains active until there is only one split line remaining, so you can remove all but one split line without reactivating the tool guide.