Fixing Inexact Edges

  1. Click Inexact Edges in the Fix group of the Repair tab.
    The tool will automatically detect and highlight gaps in an object, as shown in the image above.
  2. Select the object(s) you want to change:
    • Use the Select Problem tool guide to select highlighted areas that you want to change. The cursor will change to a hand when you move the mouse over a problem area. This tool guide is active by default.

    • Use the Select Geometry tool guide to select edges that were not automatically detected.

  3. Use the controls in the Navigate ribbon group to view each problem one at a time before you fix it.
    • Click Next or Previous to step through and highlight each identified problem.

    • Select Zoom to Fit if you want to automatically zoom in on the problem in the design area when you click Next or Previous.

  4. Click the Complete tool guide.
    Discovery redefines the edges so they meet precisely.