Split by Plane Tool Guides and Options

Split by Plane Tool Guides

The following tool guides help step you through the process. Use the Tab key to cycle through them. As soon as the tool guide switches, the cursor may change to reflect the active guide.

Select Target The Select Target tool guide is active by default. Use this tool guide to select the object that will be split.
Select Cutter Use the Select Cutter tool guide to select a reference face, edge, or point with which to cut the part. Use Ctrl to select more than one object. The plane is previewed in gray before you select the reference object.
Build Cutting Plane Use the Build Cutting Plane too guide to select faces, edges, or points to create a temporary plane with which to cut the object. The temporary plane(s) are shown with a dashed line. Select a temporary plane to complete the split.
Select Regions Use the Select Regions tool guide to select regions that will be removed. You can move your mouse over regions that were created and highlight them before you click to delete.

Split by Plane Tool Options

The following options are available:

Merge when done Select this option to merge all touching solids or surfaces when you exit the tool. Hidden objects are not merged. This saves you the extra step of selecting all the cut-up regions after you are done and manually merging them all back together.