Displaying a Draft Angle

  1. Click Measure > Quality > Draft.
  2. Click the Draft Direction tool guide and select a face, surface, or the World Origin to set the draft direction.
    If you don't first set the draft direction, the angle is measured with respect to the Z axis.
  3. Set the Angle in the options panel.
    The face highlight color is based on the angle you specify. A face will be highlighted in the positive color if the angle of the face is greater than the Angle value and the negative color if its angle is smaller in the direction you specify. You can change these colors in the Options panel.
  4. Click the Draft Select tool guide and select a face to check its draft angle. You can also Ctrl+click to select solids and surfaces, box-select or select objects in the model tree.
    A color graph of the selected surfaces is displayed. Each value is an angle measurement between the surface and the selected plane.
    Set the probe location(s) to see the draft value at the selected locations.
    You can also see the draft angle at any given location by hovering over the display.