Filling Sketch or Layout Lines

  1. Select a closed or almost closed loop of sketch lines.
  2. Click the Fill tool or press F.
    If a gap is 1.5 times the length of the minor grid spacing on the sketch grid or less, the edges are extended to close the gap. If the gap is larger, a message appears in the status bar and the gap's endpoints flash.
    The mode is switched to 3D mode, and the filled loop becomes a surface.
    You can select the face of a solid when only the edge is displayed (such as in a drawing sheet view) using the scroll wheel. The edge becomes a slightly thicker line when the face is highlighted. If you fill lines in a layout, you can then pull the surface into 3D from the layout, but remain in edit layout mode after this action.
    You can fill lines and edges whether or not the sketched lines you want to fill were sketched in the same plane as the edges. (If the lines are imprinted on a face and become edges, filling those edges deletes them.)
Note: Click the Fill tool in Sketch mode to fill any closed or almost closed loops and switch to 3D mode.