Creating an Offset Relationship

  1. Click the Offset tool in the Create ribbon group.
    Mouse over your design to see the faces eligible for offset relationships.
  2. (Optional) Select options.
    Select the Find All Same Offset option if you want to select all contiguous face pairs that have the same offset distance as the pair you selected. If this option is not selected, the offset relationship is only created for the selected pair of faces.
  3. Click the first face.
  4. Click the second face.
    You have now established an offset relationship between the face pair and other contiguous face pairs with the same offset distance (if the All the Same option is selected). The Toggle Baseline tool guide activates.
  5. (Optional) Click to select the baseline face(s).
    When you move one of the faces with a design tool, the other face in the offset pair moves to maintain the offset relationship. When you fill one face of an offset pair, the other face is also filled.