Point Tool Guides

The following tool guides help step you through the process. Use the Tab key to cycle through them. As soon as the tool guide switches, the cursor may change to reflect the active guide.

Select Use the Select tool guide to select a location for the point.
Select Direction Use the Select Direction tool guide to change the direction of the dimension for the point.

Point Tool Options

The following tool options are available:

Automatically create constraints Select this sketch option to automatically generate constraints based on shapes created or on snaps. This option is enabled by default.
Snap to grid Select this sketch option to turn snapping on or off while sketching. The cursor will snap to the minor grid spacing increment while you sketch. The defaults are 1mm for Metric and 0.125in for Imperial units.
Snap to angle Select this sketch option to turn angle snapping on or off while sketching. The cursor will snap to the angular snap increment while you sketch. The default is 15 degrees.
Fit Curves Disable this mesh option if you do not want the system to fit curves through the points.
Tolerance This mesh option determines how many points will be found, which also determines how many curves will be created. The smaller the tolerance, the more points will be found and the curves will be generated.
Auto-merge When this mesh option is enabled, the system will merge lines and arcs to form splines. Splines are displayed pink.