Capping Multiple Round Faces

When multiple selected round faces are removed by the Fill tool, they are removed in a specific order so that they can be restored by right-clicking and selecting Reattach Rounds for each group, in reverse order.

Usually you can select all the round faces and click the Fill tool to remove and cap them all. However, sometimes this is not possible. In that case, select one round and fill it. If that works, undo and select that round and the next. Undo. Continue adding rounds to your selection and trying to fill them until the fill fails. Now you have identified one of the rounds that is causing the problem. Next, fill all the rounds that filled successfully. Finally, repeat this process in the other direction of the round tangent chain. Once you have filled all the rounds except for the one or two causing the problem, select the one causing the problem and its two neighbors. Then click Fill. This process allows more options for the extension of neighboring edges to intersect and cap the round.

If you are experiencing difficulty filling a chain of round faces, first split the round faces, then fill the newly created faces, then fill the remaining round faces.