7.5. Keyword Syntax and Rules

The FITDAT Utility input is in a Keyword format. On each input line, an identifying Keyword must appear first. For some Keywords only the Keyword itself is required, while for others, additional information is required. The order of the Keyword input is generally unimportant. The rules governing the syntax of the Keyword images are listed below:

Table 7.1: Summary of Rules for Keywords




The first character-string in the line must be a keyword; the length of the character-string depends on keyword descriptions.


Any further input associated with the keyword can appear anywhere after the keyword, through column 100. The specific starting column is not important, as long as there is at least one space after the keyword.


When more than one piece of information is required, the order in which the information appears is unimportant.


When numbers are required as input, they may be stated in either integer, floating point, or scientific "E" format. The utility converts the numbers to the proper type. The double precision specifier is not recognized; however, conversion to double precision is done internally as necessary.


When more than one piece of information is required, the pieces are delimited by one or more blank spaces.