8.81. SKSNUM


                   KKPHAS, KNUM, NT, NVAL, RVAL, KERR)
This subroutine is used to read a format-free input line of
combined alphanumerical data.  It can be used to parse an input
character string, LINE, which may be composed of several blank-
delimited substrings.  This subroutine assumes that the first
substring in LINE is the name of a species in the Surface Chemkin
mechanism.  If the species name is not unique within the Surface
Chemkin mechanism, the phase of the species should be input
immediately after the species name, delimited by slashes.
Upon return from the subroutine, KNUM returns the index position
of the species within the Surface Chemkin linkfile.  If the
species name is not unique, KNUM returns the first position and
NT returns the number of the times the species occurs within the
linkfile.  If the species name is not found, or there is a
syntax error, on return, KNUM=0, NT=0, and KERR=.TRUE.
The substrings in LINE following the first are expected to
represent numbers.  They are converted into floating point
values and stored in the output vector, RVAL(*).  Upon input,
NEXP is equal to the number of values expected to be found.
If NEXP numbers are not found, KERR will be set to .TRUE. on
return from the subroutine.

   Example input:
           LINE     = GA(S)/BULK1/ 1.2
           NEXP     = 1, the number of values expected
           LOUT     = 6, a logical unit number on which to write
                      diagnostic messages
           KNAM(*)  = Array of character species names
           KKTOT    = Total number of species
           PNAM(*)  = Array of character phase names
           NNPHAS   = Total number of phases
           KKPHAS(*)= Index array of the number of species in the
           KNUM     = The index number of the species which
                      has the name "GA(S)" and resides in phase
           NT       = 1, if there is only one species GA(S)
                      in phase BULK1
           NVAL     = 1, the number of values found in LINE
                      following the species name
           RVAL(1)  = 1.200E+00, the substring converted to a
                      real number

           KERR     = .FALSE.

LINE      - Character string; length depends on calling routine.

NEXP      - Integer scalar, number of values to be found in LINE.
            If NEXP < 0, then IABS(NEXP) values are expected, but
            it is not an error condition if less values are found.
LOUT      - Integer scalar, formatted output file unit number.
KNAM(*)   - Character string array, species names;
            dimension at least KKTOT, the total species count.
KKTOT     - Integer scalar, the total species count.
PNAM(*)   - Character string array, phase names;
            dimension at least NNPHAS, the total phase count.

NNPHAS    - Integer scalar, the total phase count.
KKPHAS(*) - Integer array, total species counts for the phases;
            dimension at least NNPHAS, the total phase count.

KNUM      - Integer scalar, species index if the species name appears
            in LINE.
NT        - Integer scalar, number of times the species name occurs
            in the linkfile.

NVAL      - Integer scalar, number of value character strings found

            in LINE.
RVAL(*)   - Real array, real values for their character strings in
            dimension at least NEXP, the number of values expected.
KERR      - Logical, syntax or dimensioning error flag;