SKNUF SKNUF SKNUF SKNUF SKNUF SKNUF SKNUF ********************************************** ************************** ****** SUBROUTINE SKNUF (IDIM, ISKWRK, KSTOIF) Returns the stoichiometric coefficients of the species for all reactants in all surface reactions in a mechanism. (note - reactants only! - they will all be negative) INPUT IDIM - Integer scalar, first dimension of the array NSTOIC; must be at least ISUR, the total surface reaction count. ISKWRK(*) - Integer workspace array; dimension at least LENISK. OUTPUT KSTOIF(*,*)-Integer matrix, stoichiometric coefficients for the reactants in the surface reactions; dimension at least IISUR for the first, the total surface reaction ount, and at least KKTOT for the second, the total species count.