SKLEN2 SKLEN2 SKLEN2 SKLEN2 SKLEN2 SKLEN2 SKLEN2 ********************************************** ************************** ****** SUBROUTINE SKLEN2 (LINSK, LOUT, LENI, LENR, LENC, NELEM, NKKGAS, NKKSUR, NKKBLK, NKKTOT, NPHASE, NNSUR, NNBLK, NIISUR, NIICON, MORE, IFLAG) Reads the first record of the linkfile to return the lengths required for the integer, real, and character work arrays, as well as other size information needed for memory allocation. The routine also advances to the end of the first material. INPUT LINSK - Integer scalar, input unit number assigned to linkfile. LOUT - Integer scalar, formatted output unit file number. OUTPUT LENI - Integer scalar, dimension required for integer work array, ISKWRK. LENR - Integer scalar, dimension required for real work array, RSKWRK. LENC - Integer scalar, dimension required for character work array, CSKWRK. NELEM - Integer scalar, number of elements NKKGAS - Integer scalar, number of gas-phase species NKKSUR - Integer scalar, number of surface site species NKKBLK - Integer scalar, number of bulk species NKKTOT - Integer scalar, total number of species NPHASE - Integer scalar, total number of phases NNSUR - Integer scalar, number of surface phases NNBLK - Integer scalar, number of bulk phases NIISUR - Number of surface reactions NIICON - Number of reactions for which sites are not conserved. MORE - Integer scalar, flag if > 0 indicates another material follows this one in the linking file. IFLAG - Integer scalar, flag if > 0 indicates an error occurred during reading of the linking file.