SKIRNU SKIRNU SKIRNU SKIRNU SKIRNU SKIRNU SKIRNU ********************************************** ************************** ****** SUBROUTINE SKIRNU (IDIM, NDIM, ISKWRK, RSKWRK, NIIRNU, IRNU, NSPEC, KI, RNU) Returns the number and indices of surface reactions with real stoichiometric coefficients, number of species in the reactions, and the species indices and coefficients; INPUT IDIM - Integer scalar, dimension of the arrays IRNU and NSPEC, and the second dimension of matrices KI and RNU; IDIM must be at least NIIRNU, the number of surface reactions with real stoichiometric coefficients. NDIM - Integer scalar, first dimension of matrices KI and RNU; NDIM must be at least MAXSPR, the maximum number of species allowed in a surface reaction. ISKWRK(*) - Integer workspace array; dimension at least LENISK. RSKWRK(*) - Real workspace array; dimension at least LENRSK. OUTPUT NIIRNU - Integer scalar, total number of surface reactions with real stoichiometric coefficients. IRNU(*) - Integer array, indices of surface reactions with real stoichiometric coefficients; dimension at least NIIRNU. NSPEC(*) - Integer array, total number of species in a surface reaction; dimension at least NIIRNU. KI(*,*) - Integer matrix, species indices for species in a surface reaction; dimension at least MAXSPR for the first, and at least NIIRNU for the second. KI(M,N) is the species index of the Mth species in the Nth real coefficient surface reaction. RNU(*,*) - Real matrix, stoichiometric coefficients for species in the NIIRNU reactions; dimension at least MAXSPR for the first, and at least NIIRNU for the second. RNU(M,N) is the stoichiometric coefficient of the Mth species in the Nth real coefficient surface reaction, and RNU(M,*) < 0 if the Mth species is a reactant; RNU(M,*) > 0 if the Mth species is a product.