SKIORD SKIORD SKIORD SKIORD SKIORD SKIORD SKIORD ********************************************** ************************** ****** SUBROUTINE SKIORD (IDIM, KDIM, ISKWRK, RSKWRK, NFORD, IFORD, FORD, NRORD, IRORD, RORD) Returns the number and indices of surface reactions with modified species orders, and the order values for the species in the surface mechanism. INPUT IDIM - Integer scalar, dimension of arrays IFORD and IRORD; IDIM must be at least NORD, the total number of surface reactions with modified species orders. KDIM - Integer scalar, first dimension of the arrays FORD and RORD; KDIM must be at least NKK, the total species count. ISKWRK(*) - Integer workspace array; dimension at least LENISK. RSKWRK(*) - Real workspace array; dimension at least LENRSK. OUTPUT NFORD - Integer scalar, total number of surface reactions with modified forward species orders. IFORD(*) - Integer array, indices of surface reactions with modified forward species orders; dimension at least NFORD. FORD(*,*) - Real matrix, the modified forward species orders for the NFORD surface reactions; dimension at least KKTOT, the total species count, for the first, and at least NFORD for the second. FORD(K,N) is the forward order of species K for the Nth surface change-order reaction. NRORD - Integer scalar, total number of surface reactions with modified reverse species orders. IRORD(*) - Integer array, indices of surface reactions with modified reverse species orders; dimension at least NRORD. RORD(*,*) - Real matrix, the modified reverse species orders for the NRORD surface reactions; dimension at least KKTOT for the first, the total species count, and at least NRORD for the second. RORD(K,N) is the reverse order of species K for the Nth surface change-order reaction.