SKEQ SKEQ SKEQ SKEQ SKEQ SKEQ SKEQ ********************************************** ************************** ****** SUBROUTINE SKEQ (P, T, ACT, SDEN, ISKWRK, RSKWRK, EQK) Returns the equilibrium constants for the surface reactions given pressure, temperature, species activities, and the site densities. INPUT P - Real scalar, pressure. cgs units, dynes/cm**2 T(*) - Real array, temperature(s); dimension is determined by the application program to be the total number of species temperatures, nominally 1. cgs units, K ACT(*) - Real array, activities of the species; dimension at least KKTOT, the total species count. The first KKGAS activities are mole fractions, the next KKSURF activities are site fractions (species density normalized by the site density; surface concentration in moles/cm**2 is ACT(K)*SITE_DENSITY / # sites per species), and the next KKBULK activities for bulk phase species should be from 0 to 1, and should sum to 1 for each phase. SDEN(*) - Real array, site densities for the site types; dimension at least NPHASE, the total phase count, but the subroutine only uses site phase entries, NFSURF <= N <= NLSURF. cgs units, moles/cm**2. ISKWRK(*) - Integer workspace array; dimension at least LENISK. RSKWRK(*) - Real workspace array; dimension at least LENRSK. OUTPUT EQK(*) - Real array, equilibrium constants in concentration units for the reactions; dimension at least IISUR, the total surface reaction count. cgs units, depends on reaction (moles, cm)