CKLEN2 CKLEN2 CKLEN2 CKLEN2 CKLEN2 CKLEN2 CKLEN2 ********************************************** ************************** ****** SUBROUTINE CKLEN2 (LINC, LOUT, LI, LR, LC, MM, KK, II, MAXSP, MAXTP, MAXTB, MAXORD, KKI, IFLAG) Returns the lengths required for work arrays, as well as mechanism size information for memory allocation. INPUT LINC - Integer scalar, input file unit for the linkfile. LOUT - Integer scalar, formatted output file unit. OUTPUT LI - Integer scalar, minimum length required for the integer work array. LR - Integer scalar, minimum length required for the real work array. LC - Integer scalar, minimum length required for the character work array. MM - Integer scalar, number of elements KK - Integer scalar, number of gas-phase species II - Integer scalar, number of gas-phase reactions MAXSP - Integer scalar, maximum number of species per reaction MAXTP - Integer scalar, maximum number of temperature bounds for the thermodynamic fits. MAXTB - Integer scalar, maximum number of third bodies per reax MAXORD - Integer scalar, maximum number of order-changes per reactions that use arbitrary reaction orders KKI - Integer scalar, number of gas-phase ions IFLAG - Integer scalar, indicates successful reading of linkfile; IFLAG>0 indicates error type.