CKINU CKINU CKINU CKINU CKINU CKINU CKINU ********************************************** ************************** ****** SUBROUTINE CKINU (I, NDIM, ICKWRK, RCKWRK, NSPEC, KI, NU) Returns a count of species in a reaction, and their indices and stoichiometric coefficients. INPUT I - Integer scalar, index of a reaction; I must be positive, and less than or equal to NII, the total reaction count. NDIM - Integer scalar, dimension of the arrays KI and NU; NDIM must be at least MAXSP, the maximum number of species allowed in a reaction. ICKWRK(*) - Integer workspace array; dimension at least LENICK. RCKWRK(*) - Real workspace array; dimension at least LENRCK. OUTPUT NSPEC - Integer scalar, the total species count for reaction I. KI(*) - Integer array, species indices for those in reaction I; dimension at least MAXSP, the maximum number of species allowed in a reaction. KI(N) is the index of the Nth species in reaction I. NU(*) - Integer array, stoichiometric coefficients for those in reaction I; dimension at least MAXSP, the maximum number of species allowed in a reaction. NU(N) is the stoichiometric coefficient of the Nth Nth species in reaction I, and NU < 0 if the Nth species is a reactant; NU > 0 if the Nth species is a product.