CKIFT1 CKIFT1 CKIFT1 CKIFT1 CKIFT1 CKIFT1 CKIFT1 ********************************************** ************************** ****** SUBROUTINE CKIFT1 (IR, ICKWRK, RCKWRK, IFT1, FPAR) Returns an integer flag to indicate whether reaction IR uses the FIT1 rate expression, and if so, returns the array of FIT1 supplemental parameters. INPUT IR - Integer scalar, reaction index. ICKWRK(*) - Integer workspace array; dimension at least LENICK. RCKWRK(*) - Real workspace array; dimension at least LENRCK. OUTPUT FPAR - Integer scalar, 1, reaction IR uses the FIT1 rate expression. 0, no. FPAR(*) - Real array, supplemental FIT1 parameters for reaction IR. Dimension FPAR(*) at least NF1R, the number of supplemental parameters required to calculate a FIT1 reaction rate; in the current implementation, NF1R=4.