CKATHM CKATHM CKATHM CKATHM CKATHM CKATHM CKATHM ********************************************** ************************** ****** SUBROUTINE CKATHM (NDIM1, NDIM2, ICKWRK, RCKWRK, MAXTP, NT, TMP, A) Returns the coefficients of the fits for thermodynamic properties of species. INPUT NDIM1 - Integer scalar, first dimension of A, the three- dimensional array of thermodynamic fit coefficients; NDIM1 must be at least NPCP2, the total number of coefficients for one temperature range. NDIM2 - Integer scalar, second dimension of A; NDIM2 must be at least MXTP-1, the total number of temperature ranges. ICKWRK(*) - Integer workspace array; dimension at least LENICK. RCKWRK(*) - Real workspace array; dimension at least LENRCK. MAXTP - Integer scalar, number of temperatures used to divide the temperature ranges of thermodynamic fits. OUTPUT NT(*) - Integer array, total number of temperatures used in fitting coefficients of thermodynamic properties for the species; dimension at least KK, the total species count. TMP(*,*) - Real matrix, temperatures for dividing the thermodynamic fits for species; dimension at least MAXTP for the first, and at least KK for the second, the total species count. cgs units, K A(*,*,*) - Real three-dimensioned array of fit coefficients to the thermodynamic data for species; dimension exactly NPCP2 for the first, exactly MAXTP-1 for the second, and at least KKTOT for the third, the total species count. The indices in A(N,L,K) mean- N = 1,NN represent polynomial coefficients in CP/R CP/R(K)=A(1,L,K) + A(2,L,K)*T + A(3,L,K)*T**2 + ... N = NN+1 is for the formation enthalpies, that is, HO/R = A(NN+1,L,K) N = NN+2 is for the formation entropies, that is, SO/R = A(NN+2,L,K) L = 1 is for temperature <= TMP(2,K) L = 2 is for TMP(2,K) < temperature <= TMP(3) : L = (NTMP-1) is for TMP(NTMP-1) <= temperature; K is the species index