3.4. Transport Sample Problem (PROPS)

PROPS is an example FORTRAN program for directly accessing the Transport Subroutine Library. The interactive interface will prompt the user through a command-line interface for input to define the requested calculation, or the input can be provided by an input file, a sample of which is provided. The user can request calculation of temperature-dependent pure-species values of:

  1. Binary diffusion coefficient

  2. Thermal conductivities

  3. Viscosities

  4. Kinematic viscosities

  5. Constant-pressure specific heats

  6. Constant-volume specific heats

  7. Specific heat ratios

  8. Isentropic speed of sound

    Also, if a previously generated solution is available, the user can additionally request calculation of solution-dependent mixture values of:

  9. Mixture-averaged diffusion coefficients

  10. Ordinary multi-component diffusion coefficients

  11. Thermal diffusion coefficients

  12. Mixture thermal conductivities

  13. Mixture viscosity