MCMCDT MCMCDT MCMCDT MCMCDT MCMCDT MCMCDT MCMCDT ********************************************** ************************** ****** SUBROUTINE MCMCDT (P, T, X, IMCWRK, RMCWRK, ICKWRK, CKWRK, DT, COND) Returns thermal diffusion coefficients, and mixture thermal conductivities, given pressure, temperature, and mole fraction. INPUT P - Real scalar, pressure. cgs units, dynes/cm**2 T - Real scalar, temperature. cgs units, K X(*) - Real array, mole fractions of the mixture; dimension at least KK, the total species count. IMCWRK(*) - Integer TRANSPORT workspace array; dimension at least LENIMC. RMCWRK(*) - Real TRANSPORT workspace array; dimension at least LENRMC. ICKWRK(*) - Integer CHEMKIN workspace array; dimension at least LENICK. RCKWRK(*) - Real CHEMKIN workspace array; dimension at least LENRCK. OUTPUT DT(*) - Real array, thermal multicomponent diffusion coefficients; dimension at least KK, the total species count. cgs units, gm/(cm*sec) CGS UNITS - GM/(CM*SEC) COND - Real scalar, mixture thermal conductivity. cgs units, erg/(cm*K*s)