MCINIT MCINIT MCINIT MCINIT MCINIT MCINIT MCINIT ********************************************** ************************** ****** SUBROUTINE MCINIT (LINKMC, LOUT, LENIMC, LENRMC, IMCWRK, RMCWRK, IFLAG) This subroutine reads the transport linkfile from the fitting code and creates the internal storage and work arrays, IMCWRK(*) and RMCWRK(*). MCINIT must be called before any other transport subroutine is called. It must be called after the CHEMKIN package is initialized. INPUT LINKMC - Integer scalar, transport linkfile input unit number. LOUT - Integer scalar, formatted output file unit number. LENIMC - Integer scalar, minimum dimension of the integer storage and workspace array IMCWRK(*); LENIMC must be at least: LENIMC = 4*KK + NLITE, where KK is the total species count, and NLITE is the number of species with molecular weight less than 5. LENRMC - Integer scalar, minimum dimension of the real storage and workspace array RMCWRK(*); LENRMC must be at least: LENRMC = KK*(19 + 2*NO + NO*NLITE) + (NO+15)*KK**2, where KK is the total species count, NO is the order of the polynomial fits (NO=4), NLITE is the number of species with molecular weight less than 5. OUTPUT IMCWRK(*) - Integer workspace array; dimension at least LENIMC. RMCWRK(*) - Real workspace array; dimension at least LENRMC.