Table 4.1: Initialization Subroutines
Subroutine |
Description |
Returns a group of indices defining the size of the particular reaction mechanism. |
Reads the linkfile and creates the internal work arrays ICKWRK, RCKWRK and CCKWRK. CKINIT must be called before any other Gas-phase Kinetics subroutine can be used, as the work arrays must be available as their input. |
Allows the user to assign a location in the temperature array to use for each gas-phase species. |
Returns the lengths required for work arrays. |
Returns the lengths required for work arrays, as well as mechanism size information for memory allocation. |
Reads from a file information about a Gas-phase Kinetics linkfile, and pointers for work arrays. |
Rewrites a new linkfile from the data stored in ICKWRK, RCKWRK and CCKWRK. |
Writes to a binary file information about a Gas-phase Kinetics linkfile, pointers for the Gas-phase Kinetics Subroutine Library, and Gas-phase Kinetics work arrays. |
Returns plasma indices for the particular reaction mechanism. |