1.1. Compiler Compatibility

There are many versions of FORTRAN and C or C++ compilers available for each computer platform, especially for Linux. These compilers and linkers have many compile, optimization, and linking options. There are also differences in the runtime library functions associated with different versions of FORTRAN and C/C++ packages. Here, we document which versions of FORTRAN and C/C++ are known to work with our libraries. In the Ansys Chemkin installations, we provide sample code and a make-file system. These files demonstrate the compilation and linking of user-written programs and routines that involve calls to the Chemkin libraries. The compile and link flags and system libraries used in the make files have been verified with the supported compilers and corresponding platforms, as indicated at our website.

Due to these language, library, and system complexities, we cannot guarantee that every module written in any version of FORTRAN or C/C++ will be linkable with our libraries. We especially caution that FORTRAN-90/95 modules using those language extensions may require system libraries that are not compatible with the Ansys Chemkin libraries. Since the combination of operating system, compilers, and third-party packages is often unique to your computing environment, our ability to assist you in troubleshooting these combinations will be limited.