2.1. Properties Available for Use in the Parameter Study Facility

The following properties are available for use in the Parameter Studies Facility:

  • Arrhenius reaction-rate parameters for gas-phase and surface reactions

  • Auxiliary reaction-rate parameters (for example, third-body efficiencies and pressure fall-off parameters for gas-phase reactions, coverage-dependent parameters for surface reactions, etc.)

  • Site density for surface phases

  • Surface bulk-phase mass density

  • Species transport-property data

  • Reactor Cluster properties

  • Reactor properties, species-specific properties and material-specific data for all reactors in a network

  • Reactor properties, species-specific properties and material-specific data for a single reactor

  • Stream properties and species-specific data for an inlet stream

  • Some Solver properties

A property can be used in the Parameter Study Facility if the Parameter Study icon is displayed next to (to the right of) the property in the input panel. When you place your mouse over the icon, it should display Setup Parameter Study as the tool tip. If the icon is grayed-out instead of being shown in color or if it is not shown at all, the Parameter Study Facility is not enabled for that property for your specific problem. For example, most of the solver parameters are not enabled for parameter study, since they should have little impact on the solution and default values are usually recommended.