7.1. CFX-Solver Manager Options

When the Options dialog box appears, CFX-Solver Manager options can be set under SolverManager.

Show Original Variable Names

If selected, the variable names will be shown with their original names. By default, this option is not selected and is generally left at that default setting.

Don’t write Backup file on Edit Run In Progress

By default, a backup file is written. For details, see Edit Run In Progress Command.

Export plot data without full headers

If selected, plot data is exported without the full structured header data.

Enable Beta Features

Some Beta features are hidden in the user interface. You can select this option to "unhide" those features. When selected, such features are identified by "(Beta)" in the user interface. Note that Beta features are unofficial and not well tested.


Save Layout to Results File

By default, this option is selected, enabling the CFX-Solver Manager workspace layout to be automatically saved into the results file for the run. This means that if you subsequently re-monitor the run, any custom plots or plot settings that you used for the original run will be preserved.

The automatic save:

  • Happens upon closing the workspace for a completed run.

    The automatic save does not happen for a run in progress.

  • Overwrites any existing layout in the results file.

  • Because the Save Layout to Results File option can automatically overwrite the layout in the results file, and because this option will not save the layout when closing the workspace for a run in progress, you should manually save any layout that you want to preserve.

  • The Load First Layout Found From group of settings, described below, determines which layout is loaded when the CFX-Solver Manager monitors a run.

  • Note that, with Save Layout to Results File selected, opening any Ansys CFX results file in Release 11.0 or later of the CFX-Solver Manager will modify the results file in such a way that it becomes incompatible with Release 10.0 or earlier of the CFX-Solver Manager. In general, compatibility cannot be guaranteed whenever an Ansys CFX results file from a particular release is opened in a CFX-Solver Manager from a later release. The results file will still be functional for the CFX-Solver from the earlier release, but you will not be able to monitor such a run using the CFX-Solver Manager from the earlier release. You should, therefore, disable Save Layout to Results File when switching back and forth between different releases of the CFX-Solver Manager. You should also disable this option if you want to retain an unmodified results file.

Load First Layout Found From

This group of settings determines which layout is loaded when the CFX-Solver Manager monitors a run. You can specify a list of sources of layout data. The first found source takes effect.

The options for each layout source are:

  • Results File

    This option specifies that layout data should be taken from:

    • For a completed run, the results file, or

    • For a run in progress, the definition file or initialization file.

  • Specified Layout File

    This option specifies that layout data should be taken from the layout file that is specified under Specified File. If you do not specify the full path of the layout file, the specified file is taken as being relative to the working directory of CFX-Solver Manager.

    The file that is specified under Specified File must have extension mst, txt, or ccl.

  • Relative Layout File

    This option enables you to use a custom layout file for any given run simply by placing that layout file in the directory containing the results file or the run’s working directory.

    This option specifies that layout data should be taken from the layout file that has the name (that is, name without path) that is specified under Relative File.

    The directory that CFX-Solver Manager searches for the named layout file is either:

    • For a completed run, the directory containing the results file, or

    • For a run in progress, the run’s working directory.

    The file that is specified under Relative File must have extension mst, txt, or ccl.

  • Matched Layout File

    This option enables you to use one generic layout file for a set of cases.

    This option specifies that layout data should be taken from the layout file that has the name (that is, name without path) that best matches the start of the name of the results file or working directory.

    The directory that CFX-Solver Manager searches for layout files is either:

    • For a completed run, the directory containing the results file (.mres for multi-configuration or operating point runs), or

    • For a run in progress, the run’s working directory.

    CFX-Solver Manager searches this directory for a layout file with extension mst, with the file name less .mst matching the start of the name of:

    • For a completed run, the results file, or

    • For a run in progress, the working directory.

    If multiple such layout files are found then the one with the longest name (and therefore the most matching characters) is selected. For example, a layout file called StaticMixerTurbulent.mst would be selected in preference to StaticMixer.mst for a results file called "StaticMixerTurbulent_001.res".

    For multi-configuration runs, the directory is first searched for layout files that match the name of the configuration results or working directory. If no such layout files are found then a subsequent search is made for a layout file that matches the name of the overall results (.mres) or overall working directory.

    For operating point runs, only layout files that match the name of the overall results (.mres) or overall working directory are considered.

  • Not Used

    This option specifies no layout data source, causing the relevant list item to be ignored.

Default Layout Mode

You may specify a default layout mode to specify what mode monitors are presented when starting a new run. Select from the following:

  • Multiple Windows

  • Tabbed


Multiple options exist that can be monitored as required.

  • The visibility for each type of residual can be toggled on or off. Settings take effect the next time a run is started, or the next time a results file is viewed.

  • If visibility is disabled for all residuals in a plot monitor, the monitor will not be created.

Monitor options are available to specify global residual display preferences. Settings chosen on the form apply for all future solver runs and override default display settings for monitors. Monitors can still be created using the Workspace menu. For details, see New Monitor Command.