3.2.19. Multi-Configuration CFX-Solver Results File

The CFX-Solver will generate a results file with a name based on the CFX-Solver Input file. For example, running the CFX-Solver using the input file named file.mdef in a clean working directory will generate the multi-configuration CFX-Solver Results file named file_001.mres.

For multi-configuration simulations, the CFX-Solver Input and CFX-Solver Results files are very similar; both are small files that contain only high level information about the simulation. In particular, the multi-configuration CFX-Solver Results file contains:

  • Global information about the simulation’s overall definition (such as Library CCL, configuration definitions and sequencing, etc…)

  • Information about the configuration files (*.cfg, which contain configuration specific settings and meshes)

  • Information about the CFX-Solver Results files (for details, see CFX-Solver Results File) generated for each configuration step.

CFX-Solver Output and CFX-Solver Results files for each configuration (and configuration step) executed are contained within the multi-configuration simulation’s run directory. For example, running the CFX-Solver using the input file named file.mdef in a clean working directory will generate a file and directory structure similar to the following:

  • file_001.mres

  • file_001.out

  • file_001/

    • Configuration1_001

    • Configuration1_001.out

    • Configuration1_001.res

    • Configuration1_002.out

    • Configuration1_002.res

    • Configuration2_001

    • Configuration2_001.out

    • Configuration2_001.res

In this case, the directories file_001/Configuration1_001 and file_001/Configuration2_001 each contain the transient and backup files created during the respective configuration runs.