7.2.1. Appearance

The appearance of the user interface can be controlled from the Appearance options. The default user interface style will be set to that of your machine. For example, on Windows, the user interface has a Windows look to it.

  1. Under GUI Style, select the user interface style to use.

  2. For Font and Formatted Font, specify the fonts to use in the application.

    Note:  It is important not to set the font size too high (over 24 pt. is not recommended) or the dialog boxes might become difficult to read. Setting the font size too small might cause some portions of the text to not be visible on monitors set at low resolutions. It is also important not to set the font to a family such as Webdings, Wingdings, Symbols, or similar type faces, or the dialog boxes become illegible.

Note:  Formatted Font affects only the font used in CFX-Solver Manager for the CFX-Solver Output file display.