3.2.17. CFX Partition File

The CFX partition file is generated by the CFX-Solver and used as input for a parallel run. The partition file is used to store information about the partitioning of the mesh. The partition file can be used to view mesh partitions before running the CFX-Solver. To do this, set the expert parameter write partition number=t before partitioning, then combine the partition file with the CFX-Solver input file that was used to produce the partition file.

On UNIX systems, type:

cat filename.def filename_001.par > newfilename.res

On Windows systems, type:

copy /b filename.def + filename_001.par newfilename.res

This creates a results file that can be loaded in CFD-Post and contains the variable Real partition number.

Note:  A partition file generated in Ansys CFX 11.0 or earlier versions is not supported in Ansys CFX 12.0. If such a file is used in Ansys CFX 12.0, then an error message is generated.