17.2.10. Results Options: Use Corrected Boundary Node Data

Availability: All Standard Formats (CGNS, MSC.Patran, FIELDVIEW and EnSight)

Default Value: Selected

The values of some variables on the boundary nodes (that is, on the edges of the geometry) are not precisely equal to the specified boundary conditions when CFX-Solver finishes calculations.

For instance, the value of velocity on a node on the wall will not be precisely zero, and the value of temperature on an inlet may not be precisely the specified inlet temperature. For visualization purposes, it can be more helpful if the nodes at the boundary contain the specified boundary conditions and so Use Corrected Data on Boundary Nodes should be selected for these cases.

Corrected boundary node values are obtained by taking the results produced by CFX-Solver (called "conservative values") and overwriting the results on the boundary nodes with the values specified by the boundary conditions set up in CFX-Pre. This ensures, for example, that velocity is displayed as zero on no-slip walls and is equal to the specified inlet velocity on an inlet. Using corrected boundary node values is equivalent to selecting conservative variables as described in Hybrid and Conservative Variable Values in the CFX Reference Guide.