9.2. Export Command

If using tools other than CFD-Post for postprocessing, data must be exported to a results file in a supported format. The CFX Export utility can also be run from the command line.

There must be a results file to reference before exporting.

  1. Select Tools > Export Results.

    The Export dialog box is displayed.

  2. Under Source > Results File, click Browse   and select a results file for export.

  3. Under Source > Domain Selection > Name, select the domain to export.

    Where multiple domains exist, select either one domain or all domains to export.

  4. Set Timestep, Output Only, Mesh Options and Results Options as required. For details, see Generic Export Options.

  5. Under Destination > Output Format select CGNS, MSC.Patran, FIELDVIEW, EnSight or Custom User Export.

  6. If required, under Destination > Export File, click Browse   and set the output path and filename.

  7. Under Destination > <output_format> Options, configure options as required.

    The options are dependent on the Output Format. For details, see Output Format.

  8. Click Export.

    Once completed, a message is displayed. Click OK to close it.