12.5. Plot Lines Tab

Variables that are available to plot come from the selected source. Variable Set can be set to:

  • CFX Solver: This option will be available for all CFX runs, and enables the specification of all variables relating to the CFX run.

Display plot lines by selecting them in the tree view. The tree has three types of entries:

  1. Categories

    • Expand a category by double-clicking it.

    • Right-click a category to select or deselect all plot lines below it.

  2. Variables

    • Select or deselect individual plot line variables.

    • Expand a variable by double-clicking it.

    • If a derived variable of interest is not currently displayed, right-click and select Add Derived Plot Line For Variable > <Derived Variable Name>.

    • Right-click a variable to select or deselect all derived plot lines below it.

  3. Derived variables

    • Select or deselect individual derived plot line variables.

If working with a Residual monitor, you can set Residual Mode to either RMS or MAX. The Residual Mode setting is the default visibility filter for variables of Residual type.

Note:  If you manually select a variable, it is plotted regardless of the Residual Mode setting.