2.1. Solver Run Overview

To run a case, review the settings in the File > Define Run dialog box. The number of settings that you need to change or specify depends on the case:

  • In some cases, you need only to specify the name of a CFX-Solver input file (*.def or *.mdef). For cases that require initialization from previous results, you also need to specify the name of a results file (*.res or *.mres).

  • You can choose to run in serial or parallel:

    • Serial run is the default way of running a CFD case. During a serial run, all computation is done by a single process running on one processor.

    • Parallel run divides computation into more than one process and is done on more than one processor in a single machine (local parallel processing) or on more than one machine (distributed parallel processing).

  • For simulations with multiple configurations, you can make global and configuration-specific settings.

When you have finished setting up the case, click Start Run.

Tip:  In Ansys Workbench you have the option of clicking Save Settings to save the settings of the Define Run dialog box to the Solution cell (some of these settings are visible in the Solution cell's Properties). By saving the settings in this way, you can configure the run from CFX-Solver Manager, but start the run from Ansys Workbench (by updating the Solution cell).

Details of making these changes with the Define Run dialog box are described in the next section.